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Spirituals: Songs of The Soul

Spirituals, Songs of the Soul CD
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List Price: $15.98
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Released: 2004
Genre: Inspirational, Black Gospel
Format: CD
Label: Discovery House

Quantity in Stock:3

Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days

Description Description
Enjoy these awesome talents combined with a 54-piece orchestra to deliver beautiful music with the historical significance of the old-time spirituals.  Musically, these favorites have been arranged in the style of George Gershwin's musical Porgy and Bess, adding a contemporary beat without sacrificing the historical or ethnic spirit. On the liner notes, you'll read about Rev. Josiah Henson, a leader in the underground railroad and the inspiration behind Harriet Beecher Stowe's landmark book, Uncle Tom's Cabin as well as 9 other inspiring slaves who have left behind a tremendous legacy. This album is full of songs, some that are toe-tappin' and that are heart stirring, but the message is always faithful to the gospel.

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